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Shop For Goods That Do Good!

Shop For Goods That Do Good!

What if those new sunglasses you just bought also helped support a great cause? That’s exactly what happens when you shop online at DoGoodBuyUs, a place where you can find cool products that were made by charities. The unique fundraising website was founded by Zack Rosenberg in 2011 after purchasing a box of cereal that […]

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Fight Child Hunger with Meals on Wheels for Kids!

Fight Child Hunger with Meals on Wheels for Kids!

Kids’ Meals is an amazing non-profit organization that strives to end child hunger throughout the Houston area. Healthy meals that are free of cost get delivered to more 1,700 hungry pre-school aged children that live in poverty every weekday. Helping hands are always needed to make sure the every operation goes smoothly for successful deliveries in our […]

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