Archive | Motivational Stories

Bible Verses For The Days You Want To Give Up
Rachel Wojnaroski is an incredible author with a powerful story of loss, faith, and redemption. She encourages others to have “extraordinary faith for everyday living,” through her website and motivational books. While browsing her website we came across her list of bible verses that will inspire you on the tough days when you don’t think […]

5 Tips to Crush a Bad Attitude Today
Vee Somphon of The Huffington Post was inspired by her family’s personal experience immigrating to the U.S. from Laos, and decided to learn about attitude management. After exploring psychological studies and principles, Somphon gave these tips to better manage a bad attitude: Be grateful: Appreciate the little things that you have in your life. It’s important […]

Because I Said I Would, Helping Others Keep Promises
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lacwpfPk_HE All too often we forget the power of a promise. When you commit to being there for someone, doing something, or not doing something even, you have to make a promise to yourself or someone else. When you make that pledge and follow through, not only is it a sign of respect, but you […]

Rachelle Friedman: Optimistic in the Face of Paralysis
Rachelle Friedman was so excited to celebrate the next chapter of her life. Her wedding was just weeks away, and she was having a great time with all of her girlfriends at her bachelorette party when a tragic accident changed her plans. All it took was a playful push from a friend into the pool, […]

Carly’s Fleischmann: Putting a New Face to Autism
Doctors knew something was different about Carly Fleischmann from a young age. Around the age of 2, her parents realized that her progress wasn’t quite keeping up with that of her twin sister, and they knew she would never be quite like other children her age. The diagnosis of autism for her parents was difficult […]

Marcus Mariota’s Rise to the Heisman
If you aren’t a fan of the Oregon Ducks, you may not know Marcus Mariota. While he’s not a household name in football, he’s about to become one. According to ESPN, Mariota recently took home the 2014 Heisman Trophy, making him the first Oregon player to receive it, as well as the first Hawaiian native […]

Adrienne Slaughter: Pushing Forward Without a Leg
Everyone has dreams of who they want to become when they grow older, and Adrienne Slaughter always wanted to be a pro tennis player. CBS Los Angeles reports that Adrienne was a tennis star the moment she entered high school, gaining notoriety for her future in professional tennis. However, everything changed the day she was […]

Christmas 2014: Faith, Family and Work
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son …” Looking around at our world today, this Christmas Day, do you think God ever regrets – even for a fleeting moment – giving us the Savior, the Word made Flesh? After all, the history of mankind since the time of Christ seems […]

Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor ‘Breaks Up’ With Her Leg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dMRXXthaRY Last month Rebekah DiMartino wrote a break up letter, then posted it on Facebook for everyone to read, however this wasn’t a typical break up letter. Hey it’s me. I’m sure it won’t come as a shock to you when I say that we’ve grown apart. The love that we once had has dwindled, and […]