Although NFL players are known for their athletic abilities, they are appreciated by others for their acts of kindness. Many NFL players are dedicated to volunteering their time to make a difference in their communities and, St. Louis Rams star Jake Long is no different. He feels it is his responsibility to take care of his former college town. USA Today shared the wonderful story earlier this month.
As a proud Michigan Wolverine, Jake Long recently visited his former home of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to meet with children facing serious illnesses in hopes to lift their spirits. After meeting with the brave young children, he felt he needed to join a capital campaign committee to help create a summer camp for the kids.
Jake and his wife Jackie are awaiting the birth of a child this summer, and he felt the timing couldn’t be better for this great opportunity. The camp will take place in Pinckney, MI, and will have many fun activities to get kids out of hospital beds and onto zip-lines, canoes, and horses.
Jake says these kids have been hearing their entire lives that, “you can’t do this or you can’t do that but now they’re going to hear ‘yes, you can!’” What motivates you to help others achieve their dreams and life their spirits?
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