These days, most students graduate from college with some major student loan debt. One study from showed that 7 out of 10 students graduated with debts that averaged to about $30,000.
However, SponsorChange has come up with a creative solution to student debt issues, while netting free volunteer work for organizations and charities across the country.
Sponsor Change takes links college graduates with interested sponsors/donors who need manpower for their charities and non-profit organizations they care about. Donors in turn reimburse the graduates by paying down their student loans, which is a very incentive for young adults who will also be gaining useful work experience.
These graduates all have special skills that can be very useful to high impact organizations that desperately need the help, but the graduates often aren’t in a place to donate extra time because they are working to knock down the debt. The graduates are also getting tangible work experience and community involvement for their resume, which in turn will help them find better jobs. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!
Takepart also tells us that SponsorChange will be receiving a community award this year at Austin’s popular South by Southwest festival for coming up with this creative way to help students and charitable organizations. The Dewey Winburne Community Service Award seeks to honor those that uphold the former teacher’s commitment to using digital technology to help others. Sponsor Change was not only born online, but also uses their website and sign ups to connect volunteers and sponsors.
This is an innovative solution that is working hard for many organizations and graduates solving the problem of a lack of volunteers as well as the national issue of rising student loan debt in recent graduates. Take a look at the YouTube video above as SponsorChange co-founder Raymar Hampshire shares more information about the incredible opportunity. If you’d like to be a sponsor or are interested in being a volunteer, simply visit and sign up.
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